All aboard the Shuttle, Uploaded by M+MD.
We all got the shuttle this morning - and we went up on the Chairlift instead of the bubble. There had been a good fall of snow last night and the place looked magical.
We met up with Joseph at 9.30. He was expecting me, but not Mags. He said "No Lady you will slow down the group - this not your level". But Mags stood her ground and explained that her boots were wrong on Monday. He agreed to let her join but that if she was not at the right level she would have to go back to Francine. So we started off. He is a very methodical teacher - he explains what we do wrong on a snow plough turn - leaning back instead of forward - he even gave a very good imitation of how and what we beginners screw up. After about 30 minutes he says to Mags "why are you so serious?" She said "I am worried that I will be sent back!" He told her that her level was fine for this class and to enjoy herself!
Its Snowing, Uploaded by M+MD.
From there the class went very well. We managed to go down the start of Piste D a couple of times and although I did get very nervous on one occasion when there were lots of little kids around - I got though that and was fine. I mastered side slipping until my ski fell off and I lost the group! But by then, it was nearly 12 and I went back to the meeting point. The sky was now blue and the day was just wonderful.
We met up with the girls and Senan and caught the Belvedere lift to the restaurant Le Vaffieu which we remember from last year because of the stange translations of some of the local dishes on the english menu. This time we want to get photographic evidence. What we remember is one item which was called "horsedung of goats cheese" Alas the menus had been changed. So you just have to take our word for it. After lunch we had a couple of rounds of Nabor and I headed down early. Mags and the others stayed up for a while longer. They skied home on Piste B - I am impressed. I just lazed around and drew a little.
Le Vaffieu, Uploaded by M+MD
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