There's a factory near Limerick, that opponents view with dread; It's where they make the forwards who will wear the Munster red.They start with hunks of granite, that's reinforced with steel; Add skill, determination and courage that's unreal. There is a master craftsman, whom all regard with awe, Who models front row forwards on Clifford, Wood and Claw. Another makes the second rows, who leap and take the ball; Like Gaillaimh, Keene and Lenihan and Donncha and Paul. And then there are the flankers and the powerful number eights, With Wally, Quinny, Leamy just the latest of the greats. And when the finished product has been given heart and soul, It undergoes inspection at quality control; And if it isn't perfect, if it won't delight the Thomond stand They send it up to Leinster......... and stamp it second hand. And when their country needs them, they will answer Ireland's call. Standing shoulder to shoulder, they will make the mighty fall. And now, when in the future, they wear the Irish green, They'll have an active Kidney to keep them squeaky clean. The factory had a holiday to celebrate the Cardiff win So I wandered up the driveway, hoping that I could look in. And, as I gazed in through the window of that factory most holy, I saw the statue standing in the hall was that of Anthony Foley.
Why I removed the ActivityPub plugin
18 hours ago
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