Monday, July 07, 2008

Lake District July 1978

Thirty years ago this week we set off on an adventure. The following is the plan and route map prepared at the time. Using modern technology I have re-created the route on Google Maps. Doubleclick the map for more details.
View Larger Map

Of course maps and guides were vital to our adventure - and google maps was not around then. Vital instead (and still vital) were the Wainwright Pictorial Guides. These were a set of seven wonderful books which had every route up and down every hill in the Lake District. Each book is a work of art as each was all handwritten, with wonderful drawings and sketches. Doing the Wainwrights is a project for many serious walkers. There are over 200 and many walkers set themselves the task of climbing each. I haven't done a count foe a long time but I seem to remember that I was somewhere between 40 and 50 - so still a long way to go! Alfred Wainwight dies in 1991 but his name is now forever linked with the Lake District. There is a Wainwright Society, with a website which is worth a visit.

I am going to publish the original diary over the next 12 days.

It was actually 10 days of walking and climbing and the progress can be summarised below:

As you can see we almost climbed Mount Everest in 10 days!

The date of the revisit has been settled as the last week-end in August. We will base ourselves in the quieter Eskdale side of the Lakes. There are nine signed up right now - not quite the full house - but if it is successful (which I am sure it will be), then a more suitable time with longer notice will be arranged for June or early July next year.

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