Back in January Katy had been saying “there’s this great new singer – I can’t remember her name but you’d love her”. But she never told me who this great new singer was “she’s a bit like Joni Mitchell”. Then sometime in May I read an article in The Ticket, the Irish Times Friday supplement about Regina Spektor. I didn’t make the connection but was intrigued enough to go to HMV and buy her CD "Begin to Hope”.
On the evening I brought it home, I played in the kitchen and Katy said “that’s her – I can’t believe you got it”. It took me a few minutes to figure out what she was talking about. It was an instant hit in our house. Over the next couple of weeks I purchased “Mary-Ann Meets the Gravediggers” and then “Soviet Kitsch”.
At the end of June my weekly Ticketmaster update informed me that Regina Spektor was playing a gig in Tripod at the end of August and that tickets would go on sale at 9.00 on Monday the 9th of July. My outlook reminder worked and I was on the web as the tickets went on sale. I purchased 6 of the best available. Of Katy and Lisa wanted to go – and we also invited Dee and Gerry. I consider Gerry to be an expert on all things musical – but he hadn’t heard of her. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it”.
Went last Thursday week – they were fantastic seats, (up on the balcony with a bar and an armband - the benefits of booking early!) and it was an astounding show. Her albums are so varied and her sound pretty unique and fresh. The live show was all of that. She performed alone, and was overwhelmed with the welcome – or maybe it was just the jet lag. “I’m wearing green ‘cause I’m from Mars, nothing to do with being in Dublin.” She probably sang 5 or six unrecorded songs and then about 15 from the 3 albums -(the set list is a work in progress.). Some were lone vocals, some on guitar and mainly on piano. Her piano is so classical in sound but often in such a contrast from the voice and lyrics. Predictably “On the Radio” brought the house down pretty early on. But so much was so good and so varied.
For “Poor Little Rich Boy” she played left handed piano and played percussion with a single drum stick on The Chair. Katy has it on video!
“More Piano, More bloody Piano” she said to the soundman, as she false started Baby Jesus“more bloody piano” we all shouted. The rapport with the audience was so relaxed and spontaneous. She started a John Lennon cover, Real Love, but got the first line wrong. “ Thank you to the lovely lady in the front row who remembered the words. I’m scared of giving covers because this is what happens. It’s much better to make mistakes in your own stuff, but in other peoples you sure really show it if you f***ed up.” . (The youTube clip below shows her getting it right at a concert in Tennesse last June.)
She is a fantastic artiste; and it was a fantastic live show.
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