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We went to see Norah Jones at The Point last night. It was a fantastic concert. She is just as laid back and effortless on the stage as she sounds on the albums. There was a huge crowd at The Point. We were in row AA (which is really row 27) which was just about as far back as you would want to be in The Point. There were probably 100 plus rows so we had pretty good seats. Of course I had the camera and you can judge for yourself on the quality of the photographs (but I was pretty pleased!) I certainly took enough of them. The Nikon D80 is great – I am just getting used to the settings – and after a few poor results on Auto, I changed the ISO sensitivity and moved to Manual with bracketed shots.I took more than 100 photos.
My complete set of Norah Jones Photos is HERE In my view, there are 2 things about fellow concert-goers that can damage the night out. The first is
SINGERS. We had a singer sitting right behind us. She was a real fan, fortunately not a bad voice and she knew all the words and the phrasing, so it blended well on most songs, but the problem is we paid to listen to the concert not the karaoke. Now our singer didn’t overdo it, we probably got three or four lines on four or five songs – but she was enjoying herself.
The second is
BIG HEADS. Just like Singers, Big Heads can’t help it, other than sitting lower in the seat – but why do that when you have such a great view! Isn’t there always one Big Head in the way? Of course you can usually adjust your own view to compensate, but photography can be trickier. There was a guy last night who must have been 6 foot 7, just a few rows ahead of me – he just managed to split the stage in two, no real damage but made full stage shots more difficult!
Anyway, towards the end of the concert, I swapped seats with Mags and this improved the perspective significantly. Big Head moved over to one side of the stage and the full stage shots improved. But I discovered that there is another aspects of concert-goer behaviour that can be annoying - at least for others, if not for me, that is
CLICKERS. I was clicking away in my new seat, with 3 or 4 bracketed shots for each picture, and on one occasion taking about none shots in succession, during a very quite song, click, click, click, click, click … (you get the picture!), when a voice beside me said
“are you going to take pictures all the time” to which I replied,
“yes… but at least its better than singing”. That broke the ice – my neighbour laughed, she too had clearly not enjoyed our Singer,
“well, you got me there” she said,
“can I look at the photos close-up – she’s just a dot on stage with my glasses.”