It was 1972, it was the year I did my Inter Cert. American Pie made it to number 2 on the Radio Luxembourg charts (that's my recollection).
I've had a copy of the album American Pie (borrowed and copied onto tape cassette) since around that time - I think it was Finian Ryan who lent me the record. That tape is still knocking around - when the girls were young we used to play it in the car on long journeys.
Well last week-end Don McLean was playing in the Olympia Theatre, Dublin - originally for just one night but by popular demand there was an extra concert on Sunday. I remember that he played the stadium a long time ago - I didn't make it - probably too poor at the time! Gerry had 4 tickets which he couldn't use. We jumped at the offer and the girls came too. It turns out that we had a box over the stage - a fantastic vantage point. As you can see I took a lot of photographs - and there are more HERE.The concert was great. Don and his band are getting on now - he is now in his early 60's. The audience were getting on in years too - although there were quite a few younger faces too. He sang quite a variety of material. We had country rock, Percy French (Mountains of Mourne), he sang about 4 songs from the American Pie album: Winterwood; Empty Chairs; Vincent, of course; and before he was asked (ie with perfect timing) we were treated to a 9 minute version of American Pie. "do you know this one" he quiped through the long intro. Then as we raced to join in the chorus he said "stay with me on this".
You can see for yourself. We managed to get almost all of American Pie on video - if you are prepared to watch 8 minutes, 19 seconds and not be too disappointed at the end - it gets cut off at "and the 3 men I admired mo_____" It's a pity but (not surprisingly) the memory card was full!
He finished up with Bob Dylan's "Masters of War" a song that he said "I didn't think I would ever be singing again". I guess he won't be invited to perform at George Bush's next party!
American Pie is one of those analysed and commented on songs. We all know that it is about the plain crash of the 3 men he admired most (once!) Buddy Holly Ricky Valens and the Big Bopper (J. P. Richardson, Jr). But urban legends such as the "fact" that the plane that crashed was called American Pie are completely untrue. "The Levy" may or may not have been the name of a bar that Don frequented in his youth!A timeless artist still on top of his game - although we were accidental attendees it was a great concert and next time he's in town we won't be missing it!
See more on the Don McLean Website