Shoes, originally uploaded by M+MD
reviews and pictures on this and that... rugby, music, travel and sport.
We stayed up late on Saturday night, to force out the jet-lag. It nearly worked - but for some reason our body clocks are still about 3 hours off. So we collapse tired at about 10 in the evening and wake up between 5 and 6 am. With the great weather and the bright sun on the water just outside our front door, there are some compensations for the jet lag.
This morning we headed down to Granville Market for breakfast. What a variety on offer, I had a "boring" scrambled eggs on waffles, Senan had a crepe with lemon and sugar; Mags had an indian special of curried sausage and curried scrambled eggs with Chai while Katy just went mad and had noodles and sweet and sour chicken!
Granville Island on Sundays attracts a lot of visitors. Lots of visitors means Street Entertainment. This gentleman manages to balance on a plank of timber on a pipe on a platform. While there he suceeds in passing his body through a tennis racquet (with no strings) and juggle some kitchen objects, including knives and a plunger! It's all happening literally on our front doorstep.